Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The wedding date

We have been getting the question every engaged couple gets....When is the big day? or more recently it's been, Have you finally set a date yet?? I know it seems a little odd that after 2 months we still don't have a date set. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset in any way at anyone who asks me. I know people are only asking because they are excited that we are getting married and that makes me really happy. I just wish I could have a simple way to answer the question for everyone. This is my attempt to answer.  

 I'd like you to meet my Daddy :)

This man right here is my HERO, he is my life. The one man who has always been there for me.  He has always told me he loves me and how special I am. He is such a hard worker, always puts God and his family first. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful father. 
I love him very much.

My father was diagnosed with Lupus about 17 years ago. He has since had his complications with this illness. Sadly, at the moment no cure exists. Although, I pray that someday VERY soon he might be blessed with one. 
My daddy's kidneys are not doing very well. Last year we sat down and spoke about the possibility of a transplant.  We had an appointment with this man right here and his wonderful staff.
 Dr.Tuso is the family angel =)
This man diagnosed my father and saved his life numerous times over the years. While we were meeting with our family angel, he informed us of the the status of my dad's kidneys. During a special appointment with him and his great staff they explained the process of the transplant. He would need to be added to the transplant list. A work up needs to be done in order to be added to the list. After he is placed on the list he will have to wait for a kidney which can take 6-7 years. During those 6-7 years he will most likely need to be placed on dialysis. JR currently works at a dialysis center and he has told me about some of the patients. It breaks my heart to think that he might have to do this for that long. They asked if any of us are willing to donate that way he isn't just waiting for years. We are all willing to donate but not all of us can for different reason that are completely understandable. In order to donate we need to make sure we are healthy and have no other complications.

What does this have to do with our wedding date?

My dad has finished his work up to be added to the list. I have had some blood work done last year and they checked to make sure I had 2 kidneys. Guess what ?!?! I DO!!  Everything has been rolling along pretty well. We have now been referred to UCLA medical center. This is the hospital that we decided on as a family. He has an important doctors appointment coming up with UCLA in a few weeks and we have decided to wait and see what the results will be. If his kidney function has diminished by a lot then we will need to proceed with the next step which is transplant. I will need to go into UCLA and have numerous tests done. From the limited test I had done last year and with my blood type it looks like I'm a match. We still don't know for sure if everything is a match but I was told that if the rest doesn't match with the beauty of science it should still work out. JR and I decided that we will wait and see what the doctors say. If he needs a transplant right away then he needs it right away and the wedding will need to wait. I want to make sure I can dance and have a good time at my wedding and I also want to make sure my dad is going to be able to do the same. If the doctors say that he should be okay for another year or two then we will get to set a date and start booking everything. My father has been through kidney failure before and we have prayed and fasted that they would start functioning again and they have. We have faith that whatever happens is meant to happen. 

This is my family.

I would do ANYTHING for any one of them. They would do ANYTHING for me. I'm blessed to have them. I love my family very much. My dad loves all of us. He has sacrificed so much over the years to make sure we had food on the table and a roof over our heads. I've NEVER heard my father complain once about how it's too hard. He is amazing! 

I hope this will help everyone better understand why we don't have a date set. I know it's kind of a different situation but it's whats going on. :) 


  1. This Brought tears to my Eyes! You are amazing!!! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!!!!

  2. You are awesome. I also love that after dating for 3 years you didn't have an engagement date for 2 months. You are one patient lady!
